Monday, June 28, 2010

Vegetarian eating - where to get iron from your food recipes

Vegetarians tend to suffer from a lack of iron in their food, because they are not getting all the minerals and nutrients found in meats. However, there are some foods that are able to replenish this lack. In a way, you need to be cooking the right foods so that you can get delicious and healthy food recipes for yourself.

Beans are great sources of iron and proteins. They are packed with natural goodness, and you can get a balanced diet out of them. Go for navy beans, soya beans, chick peas, red beans, etc. They can be really delicious, especially if you prepare them for desserts.

Go for vegetables such as broccoli, spinach and parsley. They are rich in iron and other minerals. Fruits such as watermelons, raisins and pumpkin are excellent sources of iron as well.

If you wish to stay healthy, you need a lot of iron, since our body cannot produce them on our own. However, too much iron can make you susceptible to bacteria, so watch what you eat as well!

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